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Thursday, May 27, 2010

80/20 Just a Theory

My cousin the non-self proclaimed "family therapist" stopped by to visit with me not to long ago. It was an interesting visit because my ENTIRE family goes to her with every single problem or dilemma going on in their lives. She just has this natural ability to see straight through whatever your situation is and has always given great advice. So this visit was interesting because she was now venting to me and not the other way around. We discussed the usual...Relationships, how silly men are and fabulous women are :-) So she vented and as she spoke I threw in a few similar stories and this is how she summed up our conversation with the 80/20 rule... She said that 80% of the brain of every single man that exists on earth is just alike. They think the same way, analyze things the same way, process things the same way, they may as well all be identical twins. But, the 20% thats left is the part that women fall in love with, thats what makes your man stand alone. Thats the part that we cling to and yearn for. That 20% is where the happy, thoughtful, loving, moments come from. She said, then you sit back, think about it, and you say to yourself, self? do you really want to put up with 80/20 and is 20% really all that I get.  She then states that technically women do not need men we choose to be with a man because we LOOOOOVVVEEE that 20% and when its good it is definitely good. Now this made so much sense, although I dont think that the 80/20 is a number thats dipped in gold, some may be able to adjust the numbers a little bit and if my booski is reading this dearest you are 20/80 (lol). But during girl talk dont you notice that a lot of the stories your friends are sharing seem like your girls are talking about your man? Saying some of the same exact things that your boo said to you during an argument. So I must say while I may not completely agree with the numbers I totally agree with the theory.... Men are from Mars!!! LOL Just some food for thought. What do you think?? 

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